Tim Engh

Tim Engh

Facilities Director

Scott Freeman

Scott Freeman

Custodial Supervisor

Debby Suder

Debby Suder

Facilities Secretary

February 2025

Water Testing Update:

The Omak School District has completed the replacement of all faucets across our schools. However, some faucets will remain out of service until we receive water testing results from the Washington State Department of Health. We appreciate your patience and will provide further updates as soon as the results are available.

November 2024

Subject: Water Testing Results and Remediation Plan

Dear Staff and Families,

As part of our unwavering commitment to providing a safe and healthy environment for our students and staff, I want to share the results of recent water testing conducted by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) across all our district buildings.

Background on Washington State’s Lead Testing Requirements

As of 2021, Washington state law (RCW 28A.210.410 and RCW 43.70.830) mandates lead testing in drinking water for all K–12 public schools built, or with plumbing replaced, before 2016. The purpose of this testing is to identify drinking water outlets that may be potential sources of lead exposure. It is natural for lead to accumulate in older or infrequently used outlets, and testing helps identify those outlets so they can be shut off or replaced, reducing exposure to lead in school drinking water.

Washington State is recognized for having some of the strictest water quality standards in the country. These requirements ensure that schools proactively address lead exposure risks, particularly in older facilities.

What Testing Revealed

Recent testing identified almost 70 fixtures across our district—primarily sink faucets and not drinking fountains—that were at or slightly above the state’s threshold of 5 parts per billion (ppb) for lead content. While these findings require remediation, it is important to note that no immediate health concerns have been reported, and we are acting with urgency to address the issue.

How We’re Addressing This

  1. Temporary Measures: Affected fixtures have been identified, and signage will be posted designating them for handwashing use only.

  2. Fixture Replacement: Although we are allowed six months to replace these fixtures, we aim to complete replacements within the next few weeks.

  3. Post-Replacement Testing: After replacements are installed, we will coordinate with the DOH for retesting. Given the demand across 295 districts in Washington, retesting schedules will depend on state tester availability.

Our Commitment to Transparency and Safety

We will continue to keep our community informed throughout this process. Once the replacements and retesting are completed, we will provide updates on our website under Departments/Facilities regarding the results and any additional steps required. 

Resources for Families

Lead exposure is a concern that extends beyond school water fixtures, and we encourage families to learn more about minimizing risks in their homes and environments. The Washington State Department of Health, EPA, and CDC provide helpful resources on this topic, including information on testing and prevention.

Additional information about lead exposure, as well as how to prevent lead exposure, is available at doh.wa.gov/lead. You can also reach out to the DOH Childhood Blood Lead Program at 800-909-9898 or lead@doh.wa.gov for more information.

Working Together for Safety

These proactive measures underscore our commitment to fostering a safe and nurturing environment where all students are safe, known, and prepared to reach their highest potential. Thank you for your understanding and support as we work through this process with diligence and care. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


Michael Porter
Omak School District Superintendent

Facility Use Request

Reservations may be subject to cancellation due to the uncertain status of building closure.


Welcome to ML Schedules for online facility use requests. If this is your first time using this system, you will click on the “Register” link below for a new account. You will be notified by email (info@masterlibrary.com) when it is approved. The email will include your login information needed when you want to request space(s) by using the “Log in” link below.

Reservations must be submitted 14 days in advance for any school facility and 30 days in advance for the Performing Arts Center. The Performing Arts Center is located under the Omak Middle School Site on ML Schedules.

Starting in March of each year, reservation requests will be available through the following fiscal year ending August 31st. EXCEPTION: The Performing Arts Center, Foyer, Multi-Purpose Room & Dressing Rooms are open for requests from only "Omak School District Personnel/School Activities" during the month of March, after which time all spaces will be open to all classifications.

Please take care to enter the times correctly. Set-up and break-down times will be the entire time you are in the facility. The event times are when your main activity (i.e.: performance, game, presentation, etc.) is scheduled to start and end within that span of time. This is very important information for personnel & services.

The estimated fees do not include personnel services such as technical support or custodial services. These will be included on your invoice based on actual labor hours which are listed on the request.

There is a $50 refundable deposit for access (swipe card and/or key) if needed. It is your responsibility to contact each Building Secretary during school hours to make those arrangements.

If you have submitted your request successfully, you will receive a “Thank You” notification. All requests go through an approval process. Use of a facility is not confirmed until you receive the approved confirmation email.

School activities are always given priority and, at times, may be necessary to “bump” your event for this purpose or other unexpected closures.

For space information, please call the building where you want to request a reservation.

For ML Schedules system technical assistance, please email dsuder@omaksd.org

Register for an account with ML Schedules to make your requests!
Already have an account with ML Schedules? Log in!

Need more info? Call 509-826-3243 or check out the Quick Start Guide.

Other helpful documents:
No data.

December 2024


In 1986, Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). This required schools to be inspected to identify any asbestos-containing building materials. All Omak School District buildings were inspected in 1988 and 2005, and suspected materials were sampled to be tested and rated according to condition and potential hazard.

Every three years, Omak School District is required to be re-inspected by an AHERA accredited Building Inspector to determine if any known or suspected asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) have changed and to make recommendations on managing or removing the ACBM.

Every six months, Omak School District's Designated Asbestos Program Coordinator performs surveillances on managed asbestos to ensure the materials remain in good condition.
In addition, before any building or remodeling takes place, a good faith inspection is completed. No work is currently anticipated on any asbestos-containing materials. The asbestos management plan is available for anyone to review upon request. I can be reached at the phone number below.

The Omak School District intends to comply with all federal and state regulations. We take whatever steps are necessary to ensure all students, staff, and others entering our buildings, have a healthy and safe environment in which to learn and work

Tim Engh
Facilities Director
Designated Asbestos Program Coordinator

December 2024


Omak School District has an established Pesticide Management Program. A pesticide is any substance such as, but not limited to, herbicides, insecticides, and rodenticides, intended to prevent, destroy, control, repel, or mitigate any pest such as, but not limited to, weeds, insects, and rodents. It also includes substances used as plant regulators, defoliants, desiccants, and any spray adjuvant used with pesticides as an aid to the application. Pesticides may be applied on school grounds or in school buildings by commercial applicators or school district staff-certified applicators. Omak School District complies with all application, record-keeping, posting, and notification requirements. An up-to-date list of Pesticide-Sensitive Individuals in the community is provided to us by the Department of Agriculture for pre-notification purposes. Omak School District also has a system available to any person who would like to be included in the advanced notification registry by contacting the Facilities Department. The pesticide management plan is available for review upon request. I can be reached at the phone number below.

Tim Engh
Maintenance Facilities Director
District Safety Committee Chairman
Safety Officer