On Sunday, February 4th, over 50 Omak Middle School and Omak High School students attended the Native American Youth Athletic Summit at Washington State University. Students could tour campus, learn about the college experience, ask questions of a panel of college athletes, and watch a WSU women's basketball game. Thank you to our High School JOM/Title VI Paraeducator, Bobbi Allen, and Omak Middle School JOM/Title VI Paraeducator, Pam Edmonds, for all the work put into planning this experience. Thank you to our Parent and Faculty volunteers for supervising, and a big thank you to our Indian Education Committee for funding this opportunity for Native Youth to explore a post-secondary opportunity!

Hello Pioneer Fans,
Omak is hosting the B League District basketball tournament this week. If you plan on attending the Friday night tournament, here is the link to buy tickets. You can also purchase tickets at the door.
Click on the link to buy tickets: https://gofan.co/event/1383368?schoolId=WA87613

The Regional Wrestling Tournament is to be held on February 10th at Quincy High School. When selecting your ticket from the Go Fan website, make sure that you look for WIAA Wrestling State Qualifying – 1B/2B/1A/2A Girls Region 4 option or WIAA Wrestling State Qualifying – 1A Boys Region 4. Tickets can also be purchased at the door with a debit or credit card. There are NO Cash Sales for this event.
Click on the link: https://gofan.co/app/school/WIAA?activity=Wrestling

The Omak School District was notified that East Elementary was awarded the Healthy Kids, Healthy Schools grant to fund an outdoor covered structure (it is 44' x 48')! The grant was for up to $200,000, and we received the full amount! So exciting! Facilities are planning to install it this summer.

Happy School Counselor Day!

Levy Fact #5

Omak Lighthouse Fundraiser

The Winthrop Rink hosted East's 4th graders for a morning of ice skating! They allow all Okanogan County 4th graders to skate free for the entire season. We are grateful for their continued support! What an amazing opportunity for our students!

In January, East Omak Elementary began rewarding one student per classroom with a Student of the Month award. These students consistently follow our school wide expectations by showing respect, solving problems, making good decisions, and being safe! We are SO very proud of these exceptional East Eagles!

The Omak Middle School had the privilege of being a part of the Parlor In The Round, brought to us by Methow Performing Arts.

Wrestling Coach of the Year, Layten Briggs.

The Girls' Wrestling Team went down with 14 girls to compete in the D6 girls sub-regional tournament. To give some insight, the top four placers move on to the regional tournament this Saturday in Quincy. Fifth place is an alternate. The girls went out and wrestled great. We ended with three champions, 3-second placers, four third placers, one-fourth place, and two-fifths. Although some girls did not end up as they hoped, they all wrestled their best and what they put into this last week at practice. Out of the 13 teams there, Omak finished in 2nd place with a score of 238.5, behind Ephrata with a score of 264.
Some other highlights were out of the 14 girls that went to the tournament, 11 are for sure in and wrestling in the regional tournament Saturday. A second highlight was Kiona Michel, awarded Wrestler of the Year with a record before the Sub Regional tournament of 29-1. The last highlight would be Coach of the Year, which was given to Layten Briggs.
This team has so much talent and will continue to amaze anyone who watches.

Weekly Sports Schedule

Preschool staff and students are excited as we received our salmon eggs from Chief Joseph Fish Hatchery. These eggs hatch in our tank and grow until they are ready to be released into the wild. Students get to watch this process over the next several months, Preschool parents will be invited to attend the release which is done in partnership with Chief Joseph Fish Hatchery.

Omak Sports Fans!
As a reminder, all tickets for District Events, which would include District Wrestling this weekend at home and the High School Basketball games in Chelan on Tuesday, will use online ticketing or debit/credit cards at the door.
There will be no cash sales.
Click on the Link: https://get.gofan.co/digital-ticketing-guide

Please congratulate our Maintenance/Grounds team for being selected as January's Facilities person. 1st time I’ve selected more than one, and the last time.
Robby and Ethan stepped up greatly doing snow removal, dealing with the bitter cold, de-icing, and construction on the District office wall, amongst other things.
Thank you, Robby and Ethan.
Job well done!

5th Graders in Mrs. Buchert's class learn about the phases of the moon with a sweet treat!

Omak Pioneer Players Presents
March 1, 2, 8, 9 - 7 PM
Performing Arts Center

What is the
requested levy tax?
The requested continued levy tax is $1.75 per thousand
($100,000 home estimated at $14.58/month)